Cattle Feed Additive for Reducing Methane Emissions

Synergraze Inc.

Project Type


Project Value


Project Status



Calgary, AB

Funding Amount


The project by Synergraze Inc. is aimed at commercially growing and processing a natural cattle feed additive based on a strain of red algae. At less than one per cent inclusion level, the feed additive is capable of reducing methane emissions in cattle and other ruminants by up to 90 per cent while also increasing the rate of weight gain. As this red algae strain has not been grown at commercial scale before, Synergraze Inc. is developing a land-based tank facility to produce and process the algae into a cattle feed additive. The feed additive provides direct GHG reductions by nearly eliminating enteric methane emissions from cattle as well as potential intensity-based reductions associated with improving the rate of weight gain. As a result of this project, the amount of cattle feed additive produced will yield GHG reductions from cattle by 68,400 Tonnes of CO2e per year.