Project Status: Completed

  • Developing an Adsorbing Biocarbon to achieve GHG Benefits in the Remediation of Produced Water in Oil Sands Production

    University of Calgary researchers are investigating the use of Alberta-grown biomass—agricultural and forest crop residues (straw and wood)—to clean up chemical contaminants in produced water from oil sands operations. The researchers developed an activated biocarbon (or biochar) tailored for adsorbing the naphthenic acids in tailings pond water, preventing the formation and release of methane. Previous…

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  • Cement Industry Low Carbon Fuel Implementation

    The objective of this project is to develop new fuel pathways to lower the carbon footprint of the cement industry. Cement and concrete industries are large emitters of carbon dioxide. This project will measure air emissions at combustion under full scale commercial operations, optimizing the process of combustion by understanding the fluid dynamics, and developing…

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  • Piloting the Days on Feed and Reduced Age at Harvest Protocols in Alberta /Piloting the Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol in Alberta

    This project conducted validation studies on two offset protocols: The Alberta agriculture sector has several offset protocols for generating credits from avoided GHG emissions under the Alberta Offset System; however, few of the agricultural protocols were adopted by project developers. These Protocol Validation Studies were intended to provide a learning tool to move early adopters,…

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  • Downhole imaging system for identifying wellbore leakage

    DarkVision will demonstrate their new acoustic-based downhole imaging technology in Alberta wells. The technology solves a well-known critical problem for the industry and has widespread applicability across the various well types and different stages found in Alberta. Small defects in casing, connections, cement and other downhole components can result in significant business impacts, from methane…

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  • Implementation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship and the NERP in Alberta (Phase 2)

    Fertilizer Canada is an industry association representing manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers. Their mission is to be the unified voice of the Canadian fertilizer industry by promoting the responsible, sustainable and safe production, distribution and use of fertilizers. Farming 4R Land Phase II builds on the producer engagement and economic analysis…

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  • Genesee Wood Waste Biomass Co-Firing Project

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  • Performance validation of RFI selected cattle under extensive cow/calf production systems

    The objective of this project is to test whether beef cattle production efficiencies – identified by residual feed intake (RFI) and genetic selection – are associated with cow/calf performance under open-range grazing production systems. The long-term objective is to explore the performance of current selection methods and the need for alternative approaches to optimize feed…

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  • Algae-based biomass for production of fuels and chemicals

    Alberta’s oil sands industry uses diluent to reduce the viscosity of bitumen so it can be efficiently transported in pipelines. Most of the diluents – typically hydrocarbons such as naphtha or condensate – are produced by U.S. refineries and must be imported. An algae-based biomass grown in Alberta to produce diluent and hydrogen has the…

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  • Waste Characterization Study

    Methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gasses. It is 25 times more effective at trapping heat in our atmosphere than carbon dioxide. One of the main sources of methane emissions is from decomposing organic waste at landfill sites. Today, Alberta offset protocols for landfill emissions use calculations that are based on studies from…

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  • GTE Solar Inc, Brooks 1 Solar Facility

    Alberta offers largely untapped solar potential. Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) is supporting western Canada’s first utility-scale [in exccess of 10 MW] solar project. Elemental Energy is constructing a 15 megawatt solar facility near Brooks. This innovative project will demonstrate the advantages and performance of large-scale solar power in Alberta. In addition to reducing GHG emissions,…

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