Primary Technology Area: Industrial Transformation

  • Biocovers for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation from Landfills

    Many Alberta municipalities are working toward solutions to address challenges associated with landfills. This project investigated the effectiveness of a solution proposed by TetraTech, that intended to reduce GHG emissions by taking a new approach to landfill covers. This project demonstrated the effectiveness of Evapotranspirative-Landfill Biocover (ETLBC) technology in Alberta, which is a hybrid of…

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  • Deploying an Advanced Analytics Platform to Quantify Livestock Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Monitor Reduction Strategies at Individual Animal and Whole Operation Scale

    Alberta has one of the largest beef herds in the world. The production of beef and dairy contributes to Alberta’s overall GHG emissions, specifically methane, which is released from manure and from the animals as a natural part of their digestion. Reducing GHG emissions through selecting the most efficient cattle offers an opportunity to reduce…

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  • Bismuth alloy substitute for cement in well abandonment

    Traditional cementing procedures for repairing or abandoning oil and gas wells that leak GHG emissions are unreliable. The chemical and physical properties and processes that attend the setting of cement and the long term deteriorating effects of reservoir fluids that come in contact with it, make cement a less idea solution for sealing wells. Seal…

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  • Cyclic Solvent Process

    The oil sands incongruity—low-quality oil in high-quality sand reservoirs—is the main reason bitumen production is so high in GHG emissions. But now, Imperial Oil may have developed a “ game-changing technology that would eliminate the need for water and, therefore, the need to burn natural gas to generate steam. Therein lies the reduction of greenhouse…

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  • MEG Low intensity Bitumen Upgrading – Field Pilot

    MEG, a publicly traded oil sands energy company, is developing an innovative process to efficiently convert bitumen into a crude oil suitable for transport by pipeline without the requirement for diluting agents. A unique combination of mild-intensity processes is applied to the bitumen, resulting in high yields and a reduction in GHG emissions associated with…

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  • Solvent Based Gravity Drainage for SAGD Applications

    The BEST (Bitumen Extraction Solvent Technology) Pilot Plant demonstrated N-Solv energy technology at field scale and is the result of collaboration between N-Solv Corporation and Suncor Energy, with support from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). Suncor’s Dover lease in Athabasca was the host site for the 500 barrel-per-day facility; comprising a 300 metre horizontal well…

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  • Air injection into Ft.Mac landfill to encourage CH4 to CO2 conversion

    SALT Canada Inc. was created to environmentally and economically improve the process of landfilling municipal solid waste by rapidly eliminating methane production potential, protecting groundwater against contamination and providing a platform for landfill material recovery and reuse while providing lowest life-cycle costs. This project aimed to drastically transform the Fort McMurray aerobic landfill from an…

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  • Power Pod, Reliable Power for Remote Locations

    Darryl West—owner, president, and the only full-time employee of Evergreen Technologies—began his company in Calgary to develop and commercialize new ideas for curbing the energy industry’s environmental impact. Evergreen’s Power Pod Technology reduces GHG emissions by replacing gas venting pneumatic devices, which vent gas directly into the atmosphere, with hybrid Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC)…

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  • Energy Foot-Print Reduction for Ethylene Manufacturing Process

    With facilities in Calgary and Joffre, Nova Chemicals manufactures chemicals, plastic resins, and end products while working to keep their environmental impact to an absolute minimum. This energy efficiency project aimed to reduce GHG emissions by improving separation processes in ethylene manufacturing through innovative micro-porous molecular sieves that separate similar hydrocarbon molecules. Current ethylene manufacturing…

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  • Effective Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic Heating (ESEIEH)

    The Harris Corporation of Melbourne, Florida, CNOOC Limited/Nexen Inc., Devon Canada and Suncor Energy Inc. make up the ESEIEH Consortium. The goal of the ESEIEH technology is to replace steam for in situ bitumen extraction with electromagnetic heating in combination with solvent dilution. The ESEIEH process eliminates the need for steam, while providing an improved…

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