Primary Technology Area: Industrial Transformation

  • Reducing Methane Emissions and Other Environmental Impacts from Oil Sands Tailings and Ponds – Deployment of Sustainable Technology

    Titanium is working with Canadian Natural Resources Limited (Canadian Natural) to conduct engineering design for an oil sands tailings treatment system that eliminates certain tailings streams while recovering bitumen, solvent, and high-value minerals. By preventing solvent and bitumen release, the vast majority of methane emissions from mined oil sands operations can be reduced. This technology…

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  • Targeted PureJet Incinerators for Methane Challenges

    PTAC has partnered with Alberta-based Atlantis labs as well as Cenovus Energy and Husky Energy to develop and demonstrate a small-scale, enclosed incinerator at industry sites in the province where flaring is currently unavailable or uneconomic, targeted at eliminating methane that would otherwise be vented. The portability of the patented PureJet Incinerator device, coupled with…

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  • Control of point-source low-volume methane emissions using methane biofiltration technology

    This project includes a market study to identify and evaluate the commercial feasibility of methane biofilter applications across several industry sectors and in various situations. The study includes a carbon offset evaluation to determine CO2e reductions of methane biofilter projects and the implementation of several full-scale pilot projects to demonstrate the technical feasibility of various…

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  • Developing an Adsorbing Biocarbon to achieve GHG Benefits in the Remediation of Produced Water in Oil Sands Production

    University of Calgary researchers are investigating the use of Alberta-grown biomass—agricultural and forest crop residues (straw and wood)—to clean up chemical contaminants in produced water from oil sands operations. The researchers developed an activated biocarbon (or biochar) tailored for adsorbing the naphthenic acids in tailings pond water, preventing the formation and release of methane. Previous…

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  • Piloting the Days on Feed and Reduced Age at Harvest Protocols in Alberta /Piloting the Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol in Alberta

    This project conducted validation studies on two offset protocols: The Alberta agriculture sector has several offset protocols for generating credits from avoided GHG emissions under the Alberta Offset System; however, few of the agricultural protocols were adopted by project developers. These Protocol Validation Studies were intended to provide a learning tool to move early adopters,…

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  • Implementation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship and the NERP in Alberta (Phase 2)

    Fertilizer Canada is an industry association representing manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers. Their mission is to be the unified voice of the Canadian fertilizer industry by promoting the responsible, sustainable and safe production, distribution and use of fertilizers. Farming 4R Land Phase II builds on the producer engagement and economic analysis…

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  • Performance validation of RFI selected cattle under extensive cow/calf production systems

    The objective of this project is to test whether beef cattle production efficiencies – identified by residual feed intake (RFI) and genetic selection – are associated with cow/calf performance under open-range grazing production systems. The long-term objective is to explore the performance of current selection methods and the need for alternative approaches to optimize feed…

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  • Methane emissions from beef cattle bred for low residual feed intake

    The primary purpose of this project is to use cutting-edge gas-sensor technology and other techniques to measure, in real-world Alberta beef production settings, methane emissions from beef cattle measured for residual feed intake (RFI) and bred for low RFI. Methane is a potent GHG that results from the natural digestive processes in the animal stomach…

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  • Use of Nitrification Inhibitors to reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Crop Fields receiving Liquid Manure Injection in the Fall versus Spring

    This project aims to identify and develop best management practices for manure injection into soils, with specific focus on: efficiency of nitrification inhibitors; timing of manure additions; associated quantities of nitrous oxide (N2O) losses; and plant nutrient utilization. The long-term objective is to reduce N2O emissions from agricultural landscapes where manure is applied. In Alberta’s…

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  • Intelligent NanoFertilizers – The dynamics of soil bacterial genomics associated with root exudates and N uptake by wheat and canola

    This project will determine, through genomics, the dynamics of the soil bacterial populations in the rhizospheres of wheat and canola. The focus is on selected groups and species of bacterial that interact, by chemical signaling, with the plants’ roots. These bacteria control the soil nitrogen cycling processes and crop nitrogen uptake. This information will help…

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