Primary Technology Area: Industrial Transformation

  • Sustainable Nanofiltration Technology for Vegetable Oil Refining

    Seppure has developed transformative technology for separation and filtration applications in the food and pharmaceutical sectors as well as other industries. The process uses solvent-resistant nanofiltration membranes with well-defined nanosized pores to achieve chemical separations at a molecular level without the use of heat. The objective of this project is to develop and implement an…

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  • Cattle Feed Additive for Reducing Methane Emissions

    The project by Synergraze Inc. is aimed at commercially growing and processing a natural cattle feed additive based on a strain of red algae. At less than one per cent inclusion level, the feed additive is capable of reducing methane emissions in cattle and other ruminants by up to 90 per cent while also increasing…

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  • In-Pit Extraction Process Demonstration

    Canadian Natural has taken significant steps to reduce emissions through a comprehensive GHG strategy and investments in technology and innovation. Our long-term aspirational target is net zero emissions in our oil sands operations and the in-pit extraction process (IPEP) is one of the potential technologies that could help us achieve this target. The IPEP technology…

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  • Demonstrating the impact of genomics-enhanced whole herd genetic management platform on reducing beef greenhouse gas emissions

    This project includes the development and demonstration of a genomics enhanced whole herd genetic management platform for the beef industry. This platform will predict the genetic merit of growth, feed efficiency, carcass, and fertility traits as well as retained hybrid vigor. Demonstration of the platform is based on the premise that more efficient cattle not…

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  • Unlocking EPOD Economic Zero Bleed Pneumatic Instrument Air Retrofit Solution

    Westgen’s EPOD provides power and instrument air to remote wellsites to eliminate venting of gas through pneumatics devices. Currently being deployed on new wellsites, EPOD reduces capital cost, reduces operating costs, improves production uptime, and earns carbon credits. With support from Emissions Reduction Alberta and in partnership with ten oil and gas producers, Westgen will…

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  • UCalgary-Canadian Natural Fugitive Emissions Pilot Study: Field-Scale Deployment and Acceleration of Made-In-Alberta Technology for Fugitive Emissions Detection and Reduction

    The goal of this project is to execute the first full-scale field pilot of a new vehicle-based technology for regulatory leak detection and repair (LDAR) in North America, and simultaneously accelerate development of the world’s first mobile methane sensor web for monitoring and reducing methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas supply chain. The…

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  • Methane Imaging Solution for Continuous Leak Detection and Quantification for Tank Emissions and Facility Monitoring

    Kuva Systems (Formerly Multisensor Scientific), together with site hosts Cenovus Energy, NAL Resources and CMC Research Institutes, will commercially demonstrate its ground-breaking IoT solution to detect, visualize and quantify methane and other hydrocarbon emissions, affordably making the invisible measurable.  Two solutions will be demonstrated:  a relocatable camera site assessment system for quantifying tank emissions over…

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  • Kinitics Valve Actuator for Gas Producers

    Methane venting at Canadian natural gas producers’ well sites is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Pneumatic control devices that use natural gas to operate are a major contributor to this methane venting. According to a recent study, methane venting from pneumatic devices at well sites in Alberta alone is estimated at over 475,000…

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  • Emissions Reductions Through Artificial Intelligence

    Qube Technologies is an Alberta start-up developing low cost environmental surveillance technology. Our mission is to help the upstream oil and gas industry cost effectively detect, quantify and reduce methane emissions. During the ERA project Qube will be deploying IoT devices along with its industry partners to collect emissions and environmental data from oil and…

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  • Affordable Zero-Emission Fail-Safe Electric Dump Valve Actuator (EDVA) Phase 2

    Linear Motion Technologies (LMT) Electric Dump Valve Actuator (EDVA) will both replace a large percentage of pneumatic devices currently in use and provide a more efficient and affordable alternative for new installations. Replacing pneumatic actuators with EDVAs completely eliminates all associated methane emissions. Furthermore, the EDVA requires fewer and far simpler parts than competitive devices,…

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