Project Industry: Agriculture

  • Eco-mimicry approach to methane capture in tailing ponds

    The unique properties of biochar give it the potential to be applied to many different GHG-reducing applications. This project explores using biochar as a cap for tailings ponds to minimize methane emissions. It includes building a small bioreactor, creating tailings pond conditions, adding biochar with specific bacteria, and then carrying out analysis to measure effectiveness…

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  • Deploying an Advanced Analytics Platform to Quantify Livestock Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Monitor Reduction Strategies at Individual Animal and Whole Operation Scale

    Alberta has one of the largest beef herds in the world. The production of beef and dairy contributes to Alberta’s overall GHG emissions, specifically methane, which is released from manure and from the animals as a natural part of their digestion. Reducing GHG emissions through selecting the most efficient cattle offers an opportunity to reduce…

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  • Implementation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship and the NERP in AB

    Fertilizer Canada (formerly Canadian Fertilizer Institute) is an industry association representing manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers. The goals of this project included developing implementation strategies for farmer adoption of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship system and NERP that will generate quantifiable and verifiable GHG reductions; recognizing and advocating for…

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  • Wavelength-Selective Solar Collectors for Power Generating Greenhouses and Carbon Capture 

    Sue A. Carter’s Renewable Energy Physics Laboratory at University of California, Santa Cruz has been developing this renewable energy technology over the last four years in collaboration with plant physiologists, microbiologists, engineers, and greenhouse growers. ERA funding for this project is matched by funding from Abengoa, a Spanish utility company who has been backing technology development.…

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  • Biological Plant Inoculants to Increase Carbon Sequestration in Alberta’s Agriculture and Forestry Sectors

    Soil fungi help the plants that grow around them to access the nutrients and water they need for optimal growth and development. Where soils have been degraded due to forest fire or heavy agricultural production, for example, populations of soil fungi are low. As a result, plant growth can be severely impaired. Mikro-Tek has developed…

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  • Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Providing Offset Options for the Beef and Dairy Industries

    Alberta’s beef and dairy herds make a significant contribution to provincial GHG emissions. Feed additives could provide a good alternative to address the issue while we work towards making longer term changes at the genetic level. Feed additives that reduce an animal’s intestinal emissions are attractive because they are simple to implement and require only…

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  • A Matter of Timing and Source: Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers and Products to Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions in the Prairie Provinces

    It’s no secret that Alberta’s cropping systems require fertilizer to optimize yields and economic returns. But synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are a source of nitrous oxide — a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Farmers typically apply fertilizer at the end of growing season and may over apply fertilizer to compensate for fertilizer…

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  • Source Separated Organics and Agricultural Waste Anaerobic Digester 

    The Perry family has a history of innovation and stewardship that spans four generations of southern Alberta farming. Today, the Perry farm is a diverse operation comprising 4,000 acres of prime irrigated land producing quality potatoes, sunflowers, green peas, seed canola and a range of cereals for clients such as Frito Lay, McCain, Lucerne Foods,…

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