Project Status: Contribution agreement phase

  • Mitigating Remote Power Diesel Generator Emissions: A Sustainable Approach

    Graph Energy, alongside Phoenix Energy Services and Caledonian Midstream Corp., is spearheading a project to innovate energy storage in Alberta’s energy systems, targeting remote communities and industries. Aligned with national goals, this initiative aims to drastically reduce GHG emissions and fossil fuel use, focusing on natural gas and diesel generators. Central to this are two…

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  • Launching the GoVAC® MAX System in Alberta

    When natural gas pipeline operators perform maintenance operations, upgrade pipelines, remove pipelines from service, or conduct pigging operations, the segment of pipeline being worked on must be evacuated of the natural gas prior to commencing work. Too often this natural gas is simply released, or vented, releasing methane into the atmosphere. Another common practice is…

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  • Assessing Site and Distribution Infrastructure from Transitioning a Thermal Power Plant to an SMR

    A reduction in fossil fuel power generation is required in Alberta as Canada and countries around the world accept the challenge to decarbonize their economies, meet climate change targets, and increase the reliability and resiliency of their energy generation assets and systems. X-energy’s Xe-100 small modular reactor (SMR) is a versatile, emissions-free, nuclear fission solution…

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  • Materials and Methods to Manufacture Carbon Fibers from Petroleum Asphaltenes

    With ~180 billion barrels of bitumen reserves in Alberta, a considerable amount of asphaltenes (~17 wt%) are present within them. Asphaltenes, being highly carbon-rich by-products, hold great promise to serve as a cheap feedstock for a wide variety of non-combustible, high-value products with high volume applications. From Phase I and II of the Carbon Fiber…

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  • Low-Carbon District Heating

    Calgary District Heating Inc’s (CDHI’s) First-of-Kind Commercial Implementation for the Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) Industrial Transformation Challenge involves the installation of new electric boiler capacity to generate industrial heat, expansion of the facility’s electrical infrastructure, procurement of emissions-free solar electricity, and the integration of thermal energy storage. The Project will involve the purchase, installation, and…

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  • Conversion of Carbon Waste to Graphene for Enabling Highly Sustainable Cement- and Asphalt-based Materials

    It’s one thing to help reduce emissions within Alberta’s oil and gas industry but what if, at the same time, you could bring environmental benefits across three key industry sectors with one innovative project. A young, advanced materials company, Universal Matter Inc., based in Burlington, Ontario has a new disruptive technology that has the potential…

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