Project Status: Active

  • UCalgary-Canadian Natural Fugitive Emissions Pilot Study: Field-Scale Deployment and Acceleration of Made-In-Alberta Technology for Fugitive Emissions Detection and Reduction

    The goal of this project is to execute the first full-scale field pilot of a new vehicle-based technology for regulatory leak detection and repair (LDAR) in North America, and simultaneously accelerate development of the world’s first mobile methane sensor web for monitoring and reducing methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas supply chain. The…

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  • Methane Imaging Solution for Continuous Leak Detection and Quantification for Tank Emissions and Facility Monitoring

    Kuva Systems (Formerly Multisensor Scientific), together with site hosts Cenovus Energy, NAL Resources and CMC Research Institutes, will commercially demonstrate its ground-breaking IoT solution to detect, visualize and quantify methane and other hydrocarbon emissions, affordably making the invisible measurable.  Two solutions will be demonstrated:  a relocatable camera site assessment system for quantifying tank emissions over…

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  • Kinitics Valve Actuator for Gas Producers

    Methane venting at Canadian natural gas producers’ well sites is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Pneumatic control devices that use natural gas to operate are a major contributor to this methane venting. According to a recent study, methane venting from pneumatic devices at well sites in Alberta alone is estimated at over 475,000…

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  • Demonstration of Battery-Based Bus Charging Routes

    eCAMION will demonstrate a set of electric bus charging technologies that will reduce barriers for electric bus adoption. The demonstration will feature two components: Showcase a practical solution for upgrading the capacity of existing electrical infrastructure to enable conventional electric bus charging infrastructure: eCAMION will install and integrate up to 1.5 MW of energy storage…

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  • Clover Bar Landfill Gas to Renewable Natural Gas Project

    The project will explore opportunities to upgrade landfill gas (LFG) at Clover Bar Landfill and inject it into Alberta’s natural gas system as renewable natural gas (RNG). Stakeholders in the Clover Bar Landfill, the City of Edmonton and Capital Power, are exploring these possible opportunities.

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  • ATCO and Future Fuel RNG

    The project is a first-of-kind commercial demonstration to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) from biogas at an agricultural operation. The RNG will be injected into the Alberta pipeline system where a portion will be used within Alberta in Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fleet vehicles and commercial applications. This project addresses a gap that bridges feedstock…

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  • Multi Component Downhole Injection System

    Challenger Technical Service’s MCDIS project is designed to eliminate fugitive GHG emissions that occur on existing oil and gas wells. The system will offer a dramatic improvement in the success rate and lifetime of a gas migration repair by introducing new intervention equipment and methods. Two materials are injected separately into a leaking wellbore, where…

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  • Fort Saskatchewan Hydrogen Blending

    In a first of its kind project for Alberta, ATCO will blend hydrogen into a subsection of its Fort Saskatchewan natural gas distribution system at a concentration of five percent, by volume. Because combustion of hydrogen emits only water, blending hydrogen into natural gas reduces the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of the natural gas stream.…

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  • Canadian Natural Fugitive Emissions Study Using Aerial Detection Technology

    Canadian Natural will pilot an Alternative Fugitive Emissions Management (alt-FEMP) aerial screening technology coupled with ground-based detection. This project is intended to be a part of Canadian Natural’s larger overall Alt-FEMP program, which will cover their conventional oil and gas facilities, province-wide, across a diverse set of operational conditions. With Canadian Natural’s scale (almost 20%…

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  • Anax Power Turboexpander Project

    The Anax Turboexpander provides clean, distributed electricity from the pressure and flow of natural gas, without combustion. The technology repurposes energy lost in the natural gas let-down process at network pressure reducing stations to drive an in-line generator which is installed in parallel with natural gas pressure reducing valves. Primary customers are natural gas power…

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