Project Status: Completed

  • Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

    This collaborative climate change adaptation project involves a team of biodiversity scientists and policy analysts from the University of Alberta; Miistakis Institute; Alberta Innovates Technology Futures; the Government of Alberta, and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. The team assessed hundreds of wild species, ranging from prairie flowers to backyard birds, to devise proactive strategies for…

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  • Implementation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship and the NERP in AB

    Fertilizer Canada (formerly Canadian Fertilizer Institute) is an industry association representing manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers. The goals of this project included developing implementation strategies for farmer adoption of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship system and NERP that will generate quantifiable and verifiable GHG reductions; recognizing and advocating for…

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  • Wavelength-Selective Solar Collectors for Power Generating Greenhouses and Carbon Capture 

    Sue A. Carter’s Renewable Energy Physics Laboratory at University of California, Santa Cruz has been developing this renewable energy technology over the last four years in collaboration with plant physiologists, microbiologists, engineers, and greenhouse growers. ERA funding for this project is matched by funding from Abengoa, a Spanish utility company who has been backing technology development.…

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  • Commercialization of Bio-based Sprayfoam

    With funding from ERA, Sprayfoam Co. developed, tested and pre-commercialized a spray foam insulation product that incorporates renewable materials from the agricultural sector, instead of using GHG generating fossil fuels. This insulation will play a key role in increasing building envelope performance by reducing infiltration heat loss, energy consumption and GHG emissions. The goal is…

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  • Molten Sodium Upgrading Pilot Plant

    Founded by oil and gas industry leaders, Guy Turcotte and Neil Camarta, Field Upgrading is a Canadian company based in Calgary, Alberta. Field Upgrading partnered with Ceramatec, a specialty ceramics company, to develop a new breakthrough heavy oil desulphurization and upgrading technology called de-sulphurization and upgrading (DSU). Field Upgrading’s DSU technology selectively targets the components…

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  • Innovative Enzergy™ Bio Enzymatic Coal Treatment Will Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gases and other Pollutants at Favorable Cost, Reduce Plant Life Cycle Costs, and Enable Alberta’s Use of Lower Quality Coal

    B&C Energy Services Inc. (B&CES) provides engineering and consulting services and products to energy sector clients with a primary focus on coal-fired energy sources. Energy products include fuel-conditioning additives for enhancing completeness of combustion, lowering excess air and slagging migration. Not only do their fuel additives result in reduction of fuel consumption, significant reduction in…

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  • Air injection into Ft.Mac landfill to encourage CH4 to CO2 conversion

    SALT Canada Inc. was created to environmentally and economically improve the process of landfilling municipal solid waste by rapidly eliminating methane production potential, protecting groundwater against contamination and providing a platform for landfill material recovery and reuse while providing lowest life-cycle costs. This project aimed to drastically transform the Fort McMurray aerobic landfill from an…

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  • Low severity ZLD using OTSG water

    As a clean tech company, Saltworks Technologies Inc. delivers innovative solutions for desalination and water treatment. With ERA funding, Saltworks developed and tested a robust waste heat driven desalination technology intended for treating highly impaired waters in the Albertan oil sands industry. The technology uses waste heat, which is abundant in the oil sands, to produce…

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  • Large Scale Building Integrated Solar PV Demonstration in Production Housing

    The Landmark Group of Builders (“Landmark”), a private company with offices in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer regions, was founded in 1977 and has grown into a multi-divisional organization that provides high quality housing solutions to all segments of the new home market. As one of the largest homebuilders in Alberta, Landmark produces, on average,…

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  • Implementation of High Solids Anaerobic Digestion Technology at the Edmonton Waste Management Centre 

    Waste Management Services provides waste management services for City of Edmonton residents and businesses, keeping in mind the preservation of natural resources, the protection of the environment and the financial capabilities of the city. This renewable energy technology will see the diversion of 40,000 tonnes per year of organic solid wastes to the new High Solids…

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