Primary Technology Area: Adaptation

  • Tree Species Adaptation Risk Management

    ERA provided $3 million to the Tree Species Adaptation Risk Management Project. The climate change adaptation project replicated climate variations through strategic plantings at test sites of species from other regions of the province (for example, planting northern species in southern Alberta). This knowledge is crucial to the province’s forest industry as well as the…

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  • South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB)

    With continuing population and economic growth comes a demand not only for more water but also for improved environmental management. This initiative assisted communities in adapting to existing and future climate variability, while identifying opportunities for environmental improvement and economic growth. It also explored improvements in water storage and infrastructure, as well as the timing…

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  • Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

    This collaborative climate change adaptation project involves a team of biodiversity scientists and policy analysts from the University of Alberta; Miistakis Institute; Alberta Innovates Technology Futures; the Government of Alberta, and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. The team assessed hundreds of wild species, ranging from prairie flowers to backyard birds, to devise proactive strategies for…

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