Project Industry: Chemical & Fuel Production

  • Microwave Pyrolysis Process for Clean and Distributed Hydrogen Production

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  • Certarus Hydrogen into Natural Gas Blending Solution

    With the assistance of the Government of Alberta and ERA, Certarus will build and operate a groundbreaking hydrogen blending hub to assist industrial energy users reduce their emissions and foster the development of Alberta’s hydrogen economy. This project will serve as a pivotal accelerator for expanding the hydrogen economy in Alberta. By incorporating hydrogen blending…

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  • Energy Efficient Propylene-Propane Separation

    Trialing of membrane technology that reduces energy and emissions intensity of light olefins used to support the production of polymers, plastics, and other products. The project will build out two commercial facilities in Alberta and Ontario.

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  • Carbon Reforming to Economic Additives for Transitioning into Emission-less era

    The key objective of the CREATE project is to accelerate the development and commercialization of new carbon capture and utilization technology developed by a spin-off company, Carbonova Corp. (“Carbonova”), of the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The technology converts waste heat and industrial CO2 streams into valuable products based on carbon nanofibers and will…

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  • High-Value Synthetic Chemicals and Gasoline Drop-In Liquid Fuels from Canada’s CO2 and Flare Gas Emissions

    Based on over a decade of research from NASA, the DOE and a number of industrial projects, Pioneer has developed a process to create butanol from greenhouse gases. Butanol is an attractive alternative fuel substitute that also has many other applications. This innovative process also addresses key production issues facing other alternative fuels, including development…

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  • Converting carbon dioxide into chemicals and fuels using clean, domestic sources of energy in Alberta

    With the ability to create valuable organic chemicals from CO2 emissions using renewable energy sources, Liquid Light’s process provides an attractive alternative revenue source for CO2 emitting industries. Offered as a licensable technology, industries could potentially produce more than 60 different organic chemicals that contribute to producing consumer goods like water bottles or materials like…

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  • CO2 Conversion to Methanol through Bi-reforming

    With funding from ERA, the University of California Riverside (UCR) created an innovative catalyst to be used in the conversion of CO2 and Methane (CH4) to produce methanol—a valuable fuel and intermediary chemical. This catalyst makes improvements on catalysts currently available, but still can be adopted for use by conventional processes currently in operation. This…

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  • Field-Deployment of a Carbon Dioxide Transformation System Powered by Sunlight

    McGill University, with its commercialization partner Lumenfab, is developing a novel technology that has the potential to create high quality fuels from CO2 emissions and wastewater by using just solar power. The team, which also includes representatives from the University of Alberta, McMaster University and Hydro Quebec, will build and field test a high efficiency…

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  • Methanol+: Methanol from Carbon Dioxide and Green Hydrogen

    Innovating in two major areas, Quantiam Technologies developed Methanol+ to combine hydrogen and CO2 to produce methanol. The first innovation comes from a catalyst database that helps increase efficiency gains, while the second innovation is the generation of hydrogen with environmentally sustainable methods. This process delivers a high-value chemical with a large market and a…

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  • Chemical Transformation of Carbon Dioxide via Solar-Powered Artificial Photosynthesis

    The CO2 transformation system designed by McGill University represents a completely new approach to carbon capture. The project uses techniques similar to natural photosynthesis occurring in nature. Using direct sunlight, a technology that was developed for solid-state LED lighting converts CO2 and non-potable water into commercially valuable chemicals, including methane (CH4), hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2),…

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