Ultrasonic Detection of Early-Stage Greenhouse Gas Leaks in Industrial Refrigerant Systems

Ultracoustics Technologies Ltd

Project Type


Project Value


Project Status

Contribution Agreement


Edmonton, Edson, and Grande Prairie, AB

Funding Amount


Commercial refrigeration and space cooling technologies currently account for approximately 10% of global GHG emissions, a figure expected to rise sharply over the coming decades as the climate warms and developing countries adopt cooling technologies. This presents a significant and multifaceted environmental challenge. Additionally, there are currently few effective proactive refrigerant leak detection solutions, making early detection critical to reducing the likelihood of catastrophic events. Ultracoustics Technologies Ltd. has developed an ultrasonic leak detection system with unparalleled sensitivity and sonic range, capable of identifying refrigerant leaks earlier than existing solutions. By partnering with key players in Alberta’s facilities management ecosystem, Ultracoustics will undertake a pilot study for their portable leak detection technology. If successful, this innovation will be ready for commercialization and could substantially reduce high global warming potential gas leaks across the broader market.